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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PLL Fashion:Aria Montgomery!

Hey Fashionistas!
Happy TuesdAy!

Here is a new post about fashion in TV show-Pretty Little Liars. We all love it,right?
I'm going to start a 'series' so every week the post will be about other PLL girl and her style.Today it is,Aria.
Aria has boho-edgy look,she likes to try new things like spikes and edgy rings. I would describe her style like more dareing.Also,she really like to wear printed skirts and black leather jackets,it's Aria's signature.She also got a tad of boho in her style and I love her feather earrings and the extension that she had.Aria is obsessed with boots,no matter what season is.Whether they be knee-high slouch boots, high-heeled ankle booties, or edgy combat boots, she is always seen with some sort of that footwear.Her style is probably my favorite from PLL show. Enjoy the pictures and happy TusedAy! 

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tumblr Fashion Style!

Hey Fashion people!
Happy Sunday! Here's a post that I called ''Tumblr style'' and it's more quicker one to post because I'm very busy these days but anyways hope you'll like it! I called it like this because lately I'm obsessed with Tumblr and I post on Facebook page most pictures from there 'cause they look like instagram photos. Are you obsessed with it too?Comment down below! Okay,enjoy and hopefully I will post a 'normal' post this week but you can also suggest in a comments what kind of post you want to see. Don't forget to JOIN THE BLOG and follow me on Tumblr,I'll make sure I followed back! 

MY TUMBLR: http://theafashiont.tumblr.com/ 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Street Celebrity Outfits: Jennifer Lopez VS Heidi Montag?!

Hey Fashionistas! NEW post alert!!!

I love them both and they are very stylish celebs so I decided to create this post about their street outfits..Every Thursday I'm going to make post like this so you can vote.Who is looking better? Which outfit you like better,Jennifer's or Heidi's? Leave a comment anonimously and let me know! :)

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Jennifer's or Heidi's outfit? Decide!

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rainy Sunday,Oreo Shake,NEW Blogging Schedule + MORE!

Hey Fashionistas! I decided to write this post while I'm looking for more Fashion pictures to post on page. This was a rainy,boring Sunday and right now all I want is Oreo shake from Coffeeshop haha.Anyways,this is going to be more info post about days that I marked for bloging.I'll try to blog as many as I can but you can count on posts every Sunday,Wednesday and Friday so I will try to stick to this schedule. Maybe sometimes I will picture outfits of myself,who knows.If you like this blog already and my posts,than go ahead and click blue button on right side on home page of this blog which says JOIN THIS SITE to support this blog.That would mean a lot to me and THANKS if you do that,Fashionista! Another thing is that I want to thank to all of my Fashionistas on our official Facebook page FASHION IS MY INSPIRATION,we just hit 29.000 likes there and I'm very thankful. I'm preparing giveaway for you all but you will know details soon.


Odlučila sam da napišem ovaj post dok tražim nove slike za stranicu.Ovo je bila kišna,dosadna nedelja i sve što sada želim je jedan Oreo shake iz Coffeeshopa.Ovo će biti više informativan post o danima koje sam odlučila za postavljanje postova.Trudiću se da blogujem što više mogu ali postove svakako možete očekivati Nedeljom,Sredom i Petkom.Stvarno ću se truditi da se držim ovog rasporeda. Možda ću nekad i slikati sebe sa nekim outfitom,ko zna.Nego,ako vam se već sviđa blog možete kliknuti na početnoj stranici sa leve strane plavo dugme sa natpisom PRIDRUŽI SE da bi podržali ovaj blog. To bi mi mnogo značilo i ako to uradite,HVALA! Takođe sam želela da se zahvalim svim mojim,kako ih zovem,Fashionistama na stranici FASHION IS MY INSPIRATION na Fejsbuku zato što smo dostigli 29.000 lajkova na kojima sam jako zahvalna i srećna.Pripremam i novi giveaway uskoro ali bićete obavešteni o detaljima.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Looks like celebs really like Celine bags..what do you think?

Celine bags are one of the most wanted designer bags.They go perfect with any outfit and came out with huge range of colors,sizes and materials. Looks like celebs totally gone crazy with these bags,they are must-haves...What do you think?! 

Celine torbe su jedne od najtrazenijih dizajnerskih torbi. Idu odlicno uz svaki autfit i izasle su u raznim bojama,velicinama i materijalima. Izgleda kao da su poznate licnosti totalno poludele za ovim torbama,prosto su must-have...Sta vi mislite?!

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